Rabu, 06 Juni 2018

Active Voice and Passive Voice

A.  Change the verb to the active voice and rewrite the sentence. Be sure to keep the same tense. In some cases, it will be necesary to supply a subject (see the second example).

1.      The books were taken by John.
Jhon took the books.
2.      The boxes were mailed today.
He mailed the boxes today
3.      The two packages were opened by my secretary.
My secretary opened the two packages.
4.      Our homework is corrected by our teacher.
Our teacher corrected our homework.
5.      Two buildings have been constructed by that company.
That company have constructed two buildings.
6.      That room wasn’t cleaned carefully yesterday.
He didn’t clean that room carefully yesterday.
7.      The truck is being loaded by the men now.
The men is loading the truck now.
8.      Was that machine checked by the inspector ?
Did the inspector checked that machine ?
9.      Will that report be written by the same committee ?
Will the same committe write that report ?
10.  Has the news been announced by the presiden yet ?
Has the president announced the news ?
11.  The mail is delivered to this office twice a day.
He delivered the mail to this office twice a day.
12.  All of us were suprised by his frank attitude.
His frank attitude suprised all of us.
13.  Was the repair work done by the mechanic ?
Did  the mechanic done the repair work ?
14.  He wasn’t very much respected by the employees.
The employees didn’t respected him very much.
15.  Are many courses in English given during the summer ?
Are you give many courses in English during the summer ? 

B. Change the verb to the passive voice and rewrite the sentence. Be sure to keep the same tense. 

1.      He signed the letter.
The letter was signed by him.
2.      The secretary opens the mail every morning.
The mail is opened by the secretary every morning.
3.      The committee is considering that proposal right now.
That proposal is being considered by the committee right now.
4.      The army will complete that project next  year.
That project will be completed by the army next year.
5.      His boss has transfered him to the another department.
He has been transfered by his boss to the another department. 
6.      Will the company distribute the announcements ?
Will the announcements be distributed bye the company ?
7.      An artist wrote that interisting article about Paris.
That interisting article about Paris was written by an artist.
8.      Today a large number of people speak English.
Today English spoke by a large number of people.
9.      Didn’t they return those books to the library ?
Wasn’t those book returned by them to the library ?
10.  The government has not changed that regulation yet.
That regulation has not been changed by the government yet.
11.  Someone stole all her valuable jewelry last night.
Her valuable jewelry was stolen by someone last night.
12.  Miss Peters wrote all of the reports for Mr. Jhonson.
All of the reports for Mr. Jhonson was written by miss Peters.
13.  Bad weather has delayed flight 202 from Miami.
Flight 202 from Miami has been delayed by bad weather.
14.  Did the court divide the money among the children ?
Was the money among the children by the court divided ?
15.  Many scholars have translated that famous Greek epic.
That famous Greek epic have been translated by many scholars.

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