Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

soal latihan acak kalimat b inggris bisnis 2

Nama              : Sherlianna dewi
Kelas              : 4KA23
Npm                : 1A114225

1.      Every day – at the school cafetaria – our lunch – we don’t eat.
We don’t eat our lunch at the school cafetaria every day.

2.      Those fellows – will – remain – how long – in Washington, D.C.
How long those fellows will remain in Washington,D.C.

3.      An official – about this rule – a question – the two men asked.
The two men asked an official a question about this rule.

4.      Whose name was Prus – lived – at that time – in Poland – a writer.
A writer whose name was Prus lived in Poland at that time.

5.      The flowers – to see – its wonderful – in the spring – come to life
It’s wonderful to see the flowers come to life in the spring.

6.      Are mine – the purse – and – the coat – with the red collar – with the handle
The coat with the red collar and the purse with the handle are mine.

7.      This fine sport – don’t – enjoy – why – you americans – please tell me
Please tell me why you Americans don’t enjoy this fine sport.

8.      Only in the winter – lives – in this part of country – that bird
That bird lives in this part of country only in the winter.

9.      To their daughter – for her birthday – a bracelet – they sent
They sent a bracelet to their daughter for her birthday.

10.  Television – watches – seldom – during the afternoon – my wife
My wife seldom watches television during the afternoon.

11.  For most artists – is – Paris – to work – a very good place
For most artists Paris is a very good place to work.

12.  Those letters – yesterday – to Mr.Fox – delivered – the postman
The Postman delivered those letters to Mr. Fox yesterday.

13.  The car – to the country – drove – last weekend – the two men
The two men drove the car to the country last weekend.

14.  Is very interesting – on the table – of the glass bowl - the shape
The shape of the glass bowl on the table is very interesting.

15.  Today – cold – is it – enough – for a heavy winter overcoat
Is it cold enough for a heavy winter overcoat today

16.  Was – to me – the whole idea – new and unusual – something
The whole idea was something new and unusual to me.

17.  The large red house – is – Mr.Anderson’s – next to ours
The large red house next to ours is Mr. Anderson’s.

18.  We’re finished – more than 50 – the manager said – in two days
The Manager said we’re finished more than 50 in two days.

19.  The two suitcases – moved – the man – to his wife – closer
The man moved the two suitcases closer to his wife.

20.  The examinations – so far – have – taken – how many students
So far how many students have taken the examinations

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